Story Highlights

  • Third time support has exceeded 60%, along with 2017 and 2021
  • Republicans primarily behind the increase, with 58% now in favor
  • Political independents remain group most likely to favor third party
  • @[email protected]
    9 months ago

    If only people voted for what they wanted instead of against what they were scared of because that number is more than enough for a political shift even if there were two alternative parties, one to each main one. The ‘wasted vote’ propagand is doing more work keeping republicans in charge than the supreme court is. Since more republicans than democrats want a third party, so the only worry should be that too many democrats get elected if we tried.

    • phillaholic
      09 months ago

      No it’s not. No third party has anywhere close to a meaningful support level to start talking about the system being the reason. Not only are they nowhere close, they run unqualified or failed two party system candidates with untested or even well thought out ideas and use the entire thing as largely a grift to sell books or gain klout. Recently party officials have even run because no serious candidate actually tries to win any national office at all.

      • @[email protected]
        9 months ago

        No ones gonna fund a party no ones voting for. Not to mention they get federal funding money if they reach a certain vote threshold, a threshold we can hit to fix those problems you speak of. The numbers of voters are there, but if you like the duopoly just say that but you’re not gonna make third parties viable by voting for the two parties that benefit from there not being large third parties. If you don’t want third party choices to be viable sure what you say makes sense, but you cannot keep voting for the same thing and expect a different outcome. Its either stop supporting the duopoly or resign yourself to voting for a duopoly candidate for the ret of your life.

        • phillaholic
          19 months ago

          if they didn’t hit the threshold in 2020 they’ll never hit it. If they had any desire to actually govern they would have put more effort into their candidates too. Jill Stein was less qualified to be President than Trump, and that’s saying a lot. She literally wasn’t qualified enough to run a medium size organization. It was a complete joke how she went around and agreed with every crackpot far-left conspiracy theory in her town halls because she couldn’t risk either upsetting any voter or possibly crossing her questionable Russian backing. Not saying she was a Russian plant, I think she was much more a useful idiot than anything. Gary Johnson didn’t know so many basic facts that he should have known it was clear he just ran to keep his name out there. We see this time and time again. Nader was the last genuine one to run and even he figured out he was accomplishing the opposite of what he wanted to eventually.

          • @[email protected]
            09 months ago

            Wow it almost seems like the only people who can afford to run third party are those who have financial wealth from somewhere other than the party they represent and therefore have ulterior motives. Shocking, I wonder if there’s some way to get them public funding so they could get better candidates and smoother organizations.

            • phillaholic
              09 months ago

              Are you advocating that people or groups who have done basically nothing should get federal funding to run for President? Sounds like a great grift.

              • @[email protected]
                9 months ago

                Im suggesting challenging them so they have a reason to not be such shitty parties. Are you suggesting the current system is not a grift? May I direct you attention to Trumps PPP loans, or even Biden not restoring the taxes the wealthy pay to what they were in the Obama era, effectively sitting at a compromise between Trump and Obama. Since HW Bush its been R, D, R, D over and over and yet we keep ratcheting further right in this country. If that’s fine with you just say so, but I advocate for anything that challenges that because it’s not like we have all the time in the world to let the problem work itself out, we’re literally on an environmental timer and every vote for the duopoly just guarantees no challenges to the powers that maintain that destruction are challenged. More republicans would lose votes over this than democrats too according to the polls in this very article, so they are very thankful for people like you ensuring that the only choice for people who dont vote democrat is them.