How does this KEEP GETTING WORSE??

  • @[email protected]
    87 months ago

    Okay, I should have looked a little more I was just looking at the years. It sounded like the original release years. That’s what I get for half assidly googling while I work lol.

    So it’s like when Rockstar turned the GTA remasters over to the phone people and we ended up with a clusterfuck.

    • frozen
      77 months ago

      Aspyr’s KotOR port was considered pretty good, I believe. I was disappointed in their Civilization series ports for Linux because their netcode was incompatible with the Windows versions, which is baffling to me, considering Linux users are already siloed so much in other ways. But the games ran okay, so it wasn’t all bad.

      But yeah, I haven’t really heard any good updates or news come out of Aspyr for a while. If I recall correctly, they were the original devs for the KotOR remake, which was going to be their first game from the ground up from a technical perspective. But they had that taken away from them after working on it for a year or two, which is crazy. It must’ve truly been awful.

      • @[email protected]
        37 months ago

        Man this is a shame. Slightly related… How’s the switch port? I have a friend who’s obsessed with Star wars and just got her first switch and I was going to tell her to get that

        • frozen
          37 months ago

          KotOR’s console controls can be a bit awkward at times. I haven’t played it on Switch, but I originally played it when it released on the OG Xbox. I assume the control scheme is similar. And the graphics are going to be dated, but that’s a given for a game from '03. But other than that, I’m sure it’ll be a fantastic experience, especially for a die-hard Star Wars fan. It’s still my top game of all time, and if you can play it on PC with some graphical enhancement mods, it still holds up really well nowadays.

      • @[email protected]
        7 months ago

        The mobile KotoR port was completely broken and you could never leave the Jedi Temple planet.

        Jade Empire crashed on launch and was never fixed but they kept selling it.

        Ask me how I know. Fuck Aspyr, they’ve been shit for at least 10 years and I wont ever touch their products again.