• IninewCrow
    78 months ago

    Complete global double standard

    If any other country in the world (minus the US) did or does what Israel does … it’s a completely different story.

  • @[email protected]
    68 months ago

    Canada is not a significant enough player to give any kind of coloured light to Israel’s actions

    • Nik282000
      -18 months ago

      Our politicians should be working on the thousands of unresolved problems IN Canada not trying to craft the perfect tweet about a foreign war.

      Send aide, support the civilian population, stop using it as a source of popularity points.

      • @[email protected]
        28 months ago

        Our politicians should be working on the thousands of unresolved problems IN Canada not trying

        You know there’s more than one politician, right?

        Thus, we can do both, and there’s no “but we were solving this other thing first” issue when it comes to external issues since those can be discussed in parallel.

        • @[email protected]
          78 months ago

          mediabiasfactcheck.com is useful for it’s “factual” measure of sources, but the right-left spectrum is based on what Americans consider “right” and “left” -so what they consider “far left,” outside America is probably just “left.” They label a lot of international centrist media sources as “left” too. What they consider “least biased” is going to be straight up capitalist.

          • MapleEngineer
            18 months ago

            I mean…if we’re being real…the only people who do legitimate fact checking are leftists. The right hates the truth which is why the constantly attack the media. The nice thing about MBFC is that the team is international and anyone, anywhere can challenge their conclusions. I tend to very much agree with their ratings on the large, well known media such as the BBC, CBC, Reuters, AP, etc.

            • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
              -48 months ago

              A guy who guzzles propaganda tends to largely agree with the propaganda sources he guzzles. News at a 11.

    • ram
      78 months ago

      I’d like to introduce you to “opinion articles” where bias is the centre-piece.

    • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
      -38 months ago

      LMAO imagine being a grown ass adult and thinking sites like mediabiasfactcheck are factual and unbiased.

      • @[email protected]
        18 months ago

        I mean, I think Canadian Dimension themselves would admit that they are on the far left of the political spectrum. But that’s not a bad thing per se. I want to see a spectrum of perspectives in the media, so long as those perspectives are factual and in good faith (which many on the far right are not).

        I do find their reporting to be lower quality and less factual than other left leaning sources, like Fair.org or Current Affairs. So this seems like a fair assessment to me.

        • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
          -58 months ago

          The key part to recognize is that every position has an inherent bias to it, and just because a particular position happens to be mainstream doesn’t make it less biased. Canadian Dimension is on the far left of Canadian politics, however it can be argued that the reason for that is that Canadian political mainstream is biased towards the right.

          In general, these labels aren’t terribly useful and they’re just used to dismiss information without actually engaging with the content. It’s much better to point out the cases when reporting is not factual, and to address them specifically regardless of where a source leans politically.

          So, if people want to raise disagreements with the content of the article in the submission that’s great. However smearing it is just engaging in anti intellectual behavior.

          • @[email protected]
            28 months ago

            I do agree with you that MapleEngineer is being silly. You can’t just dismiss Canadian Dimension because it’s “on the left”. Frankly, the best Canadian journalism is on the left, including The Tyee, The Narwhal, Canadaland, Literary Review of Canada, etc.

            That said, I think these labels can be useful. I doubt you would object so strongly if someone pointed out that Rebel News is far right. If I didn’t know what Rebel News was, I would consider that useful information. I would sooner say that reality has a left leaning bias than deny that a news source is left leaning.

            • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
              -48 months ago

              Right, there’s no problem with saying something is on the left or on the right. The two observations I’m making is that what we consider to be the centre is relative to our culture, and that sites like media bias are themselves inherently biased.

              For example, around 90% of young people in China identify with Marxism. So, what would be considered political centre in China would be considered far left in Canada. And this highlights how silly it is to rely on such labels when deciding whether a particular position is reasonable or extreme.

      • MapleEngineer
        -48 months ago

        It’s got to be so tiring to be so easily triggered. Your insults are utterly wasted on me. I see what you are and I feel sorry for you.